And the Oscar for Best Newsletter goes to …
All the newsletter operators who still send content consistently!
Hello, dear News’Letter Market readers!
I count 82 new faces since our last issue. Thanks for joining us, and welcome to your bi-monthly dose of Newsletter News ;-)!
News’Letter Market landing in your mailbox like 👇🪂
Let’s start with Duuce’s Updates!
Unsubscribe button
Every time we post a new Newsletter for sale on Duuce, we have an automated email that goes out and alerts you to come check it out.
However, we received feedback from people who like the platform and want to be registered but do not want to receive those emails…
Therefore, you now have the possibility to unsubscribe from those emails!
See, it’s super easy: you let us know, we make it happen!
Proof of funds requested!
Our “Make an Offer” button has been in place for a while now, and it’s working great. “Knock knock knock …knock on wood”
However, like Flippa, Empire Flippers and many others we want to have the maximum proofs that our buyers are SERIOUS.
For that reason, we added a little box to make sure you are not just playing with our emotions!
We are also working on deploying later this week a feature to add your social media account logging and a proof of funds to make the selling process, faster and safer for all.
What are the new newsletters for sale this week?
Twice a month, we gather for you a bunch of quality newsletters for sale on the market. Cause well… We DO know you mostly subscribed for that.
1 Newsletters for Sale on Duuce this week
1 Australian Sports Newsletter here.
Feel free to hit the link and request access to the full deck prepared by our team for each Newsletter.
You can always go see the other newsletter still for sale on Duuce
Newsletters for Sale on Other Platforms:
Disclaimer: all newsletters listed above on Duuce have been audited by our team, we cannot give any guarantee for the following ones listed on other platforms. Please run your own due diligence :-) !
Tinyacquisitions listed a new one:
1 newsletter about AI here. has 2:
They are looking for …
This new category is for people looking for talents in the newsletter business.
Today we have an Investor looking for :
1 Newsletter Operator to write a newsletter in the digital assets niche. The ideal candidate should have previous experience in creating engaging newsletters.
1 Social Media Manager who could analyze social media and newsletter data to make data-driven decisions to improve content and engagement.
If you have those skills or know someone who does and wants to find a steady job, please email us back at, we’ll get you in touch!
New’sLetter Market curation
Every two weeks, we curate cool news and stuff we think could help you create and grow your newsletter from all over the place. (It also helps us)
Let’s see what’s up in the market:
We enjoyed that case study that explains how The Neuron attracted 10 000 subscribers in its first month being published. Now, 10K is NOT the regular number you should expect. But what’s not to love about someone who shares his tricks to make it happen? Pick yours, and do your best. NO PRESSURE!
WhatsApp newsletters: What are they? And should you start one? Here is an article to know about it and why we should learn about it before it becomes a thing. Despite the previous failure of Facebook’s newsletter system and Twitter’s one (Revue) I personally see it as something you may wanna add ON TOP of your regular newsletter. With adjusted formatting to your content.
Some newsletter operators have a full time job, and grow a newsletter on the side. Here is a great article on how to run a five-figure newsletter business without quitting your job. And even better, a collection of stories / testimonials of people actually doing it. Inspiring. We loved it.
From content strategy to growth: a 6-step plan, written by Andrew Griffiths. Short, efficient, quite actionable. Go check it out.
An ongoing debate about the number of subscribers. Should we clean up our email base for a better open rate or not? My 2 cents? Yep, you should. Quality always beats quantity. The more people not opening your mail you have, the lower perceived quality you’ll have for sponsors AND buyers.
BUT, be careful who you unsub. Recent changes prevent some readers from being tracked if they use an iPhone, for instance. So, cleaning is good, but do it carefully not to unsub people marked as non readers only cause they’re not actually being tracked!As digital nomads and island lovers ourselves, it was great to read how The Mallorcan started their newsletter not for profit, but to make us discover Mallorca AND create some connections for themselves while being there. Genius. Great interview by Newsletter circle.
And last but not least, The newsletter funnel created by Richard Patey. If you’re looking for ways to increase your subs list (who ISN’T?) Richard’s approach is def interesting. He keeps experimenting to find new ways, and that’s what we love about creators. Go check it out and see if it could fit your strategies.
We have a FREE directory where 400+ Newsletters registered to get more visibility (feel free to go register your Newsletter if you are interested as well).
And we would like to give a shout-out to one Newsletter per issue, one that stands out.
This week, we chose Baby goes London, a new newsletter to find activities to do with your kid in London. Super cool and useful concept, hope it goes far!
That’s it for us
We'll see you in 2 weeks with some new updates, and until then, keep up the great work!
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Hey thanks for sharing my article! Much appreciated 🙌
Great issue Duuce and thank you so much for featuring the story of The Mallorcan, which I also found very inspiring.
And I loved "Baby Goes London" :)