News'Letter Market (by Duuce)
We're back with 4 newsletters for sale. And updates about the NL's Market!
Hello! I truly hope you had a nice Valentine’s Day! (sharing some love is always nice, we all need it)
Talking about Love, thanks all of you for reading our bi-monthly content and the one we share every other week from other great newsletter producers.
Last week’s edition from Richard Patey was pretty well received, with a sweet 47% opening rate! So we’re going to keep going for now.
I also hope you had a productive 2 weeks even though a lot of crazy things happened (thoughts for Turkey/Syria) …
Now, let’s start this 3rd episode!
Duuce’s Tech Update
Zero new update for Duuce this week. We’re surely working on some stuff, but… None got delivered.
Sooo… let’s jump right in with more exciting stuff, shall we? And talk about newsletters for sale, for instance?
New Newsletters for sale on the Market
Twice a month, we gather for you a bunch of quality newsletters for sale on the market. We know you mostly subscribed for that.
1 New Newsletter for Sale on Duuce: Not just any Newsletter…
This week, our newest Newsletter for Sale is quite a special one!
It’s 99% automated
It generates INCOME. And profit. Yep, both!
It happens to be managed by no other than Stefan from ALTS.CO.
If you haven’t heard about him yet…. I’m wondering how he ended up on Duuce. Kidding. Guy is great. Business is great. So… newsletter is ... great!
This Newsletter is (still quite) small but mighty. A real winner.
Go take a look !
Feel free to hit the link and request access to the full deck prepared by our team for each Newsletter.
And if you previously missed them, we still have a few great newsletters for sale that got listed the past few weeks:
Newsletters for Sale on Other Platforms:
Disclaimer: all newsletters listed above on Duuce have been audited by our team, we cannot give any guarantee for the following ones listed on other platforms. Please run your own due diligence :-) ! currently has 5 newsletters for sale, here is their latest addition:
1 newsletter about Founder Learning here.
Tinyacquisitions also listed a new one :
1 newsletter about Business here.
Flippa has 8 newsletters currently for sale that we previously shared, but here is the newest:
Newsletter about Self Improvement here.
Here is what has happened in the Newsletter World since our last chat!
A nice Twitter thread with plenty of tips to grow your email list through cross-promotion was posted by Jens Lennartsson.
Watch out for the emails asking to sponsor in your newsletter! Crazy story shared by (once again Richard) and a fair warning to all of us Newsletter editors, always happy to receive some sponsoring offers, huh!
To avoid landing in spam, we usually miss 1 or 2 steps. Matt listed a couple of simple yet effective options to lower that risk. Insider tip? Use that page to also add some of your best content or use it to cross promote other cool stuff you have (course, other NL, social media…)
The Forbes Communication Council met and predicted The 14 Biggest Social Media Trends for 2023, and guess what… Newsletters are part of them (number 7).
Sad news in the newsletter world, Pierre Lipton, one of the founders of
1440 daily digest, died earlier this month. He was just 25. We didn’t know him personally, but we do read @Join1440. RIP buddy!
We have a FREE directory where 400+ Newsletters registered to get more visibility (feel free to go register your Newsletter if you are interested as well).
And we would like to give a shout-out to one Newsletter per issue, one that stands out.
This week, we chose Your Creative Letter a fun journal, infused with tips, life experiences, opportunities, inspiration, and motivation. The goal: empower you in your journey, helping you train your creative fire.
Very cool Newsletter to remind us to Love ourselves and others. The last episode is about Love and creativity.
We'll see you in 2 weeks with some new updates, and until then, keep up the great work!
Feel free to follow us on social media
Your newsletter is so good I'm considering only reading yours and not writing mine ha :) Thanks for all the mentions the last couple weeks, super appreciate it.
Thank you for the shoutout ! I am super moved 😍